
case study Blackjack web campaign

Branding . Digital

case study Campanha web Blackjack
  • Prémios Lusófonos da Criatividade . Bronze

The EUROBIKE is not just a trade show; it's a global innovation platform for the world of bicycles and the future of mobility. At Eurobike 2023, bike manufacturers, including e-bikes, showcase the future of cycling. Blackjack strategically chose EUROBIKE to launch its new line of rims and wheels, emphasizing the brand's commitment to innovation and sustainability, aligned with the event's key themes.

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The Digital Marketing campaign strategy for Blackjack was carefully built around three key moments:

  • Definition of a unique brand voice and critical visual;
  • Creation of impactful visual and video/teaser content distributed across various channels and the design of a Landing Page;
  • Implementation of an effective business generation strategy during the Eurobike event, marking the official launch of the SL Alloy Series collection.

The digital campaign was executed in two distinct phases, with the international event EUROBIKE being the turning point.

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Facing the four elements is not a battle one can win but a challenge to live.

Facing the elements is like trying to reach the clouds, an impossible task. However, it motivates the cyclist for the journey rather than the destination.

From mountain trails to city streets, the Super Light Collection ensures that the journey is more than just a ride for the cyclist; it's a new possibility for overcoming.

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brand voice

We developed the brand voice to communicate in an irreverent, confident, and specialized manner, always maintaining a conversational tone to underscore the brand's seriousness regarding the safety and performance of its products.

Blackjack is a passionate, determined, and expert brand, consistently seeking evolution.

Aligned with this approach, we employed strong and dynamic verbs and concise and challenging phrases driven by technical keywords.

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Key visual

Images of adverse situations were used, with the 4 elements of nature representing the main challenge. These images have been treated in black and white to give the image a more emotive tone and to tie in chromatically with the Super Light line.

We portray a confident cyclist in a challenging situation, facing the 4 elements.

Featured product for easy identification of the SuperLight line.
We included a visual cloud effect in the image to convey the idea of "looking for the clouds" and the launch of a product.

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landing page

We divided the launch of the landing page into two phases. In the first phase, we placed only a teaser in the hero banner, and some information related to Blackjack was included.

The second phase focused on the adaptation and evolution of the landing page, where the final video was uploaded and a detailed listing with features of the products in the line.

email marketing

One of the campaign's main goals was to convert the audience into attendees at the fair. We developed an email marketing strategy divided into four distinct phases to achieve this purpose.

The first three emails were strategically crafted to convert recipients into potential visitors to the RODI booth at Eurobike (destination: landing page 1). Finally, the last email showcased the SL line, highlighting the most captivating and exciting photos captured during the event (destination: landing page 2).

Regarding market benchmark rates, the open rate fell within the range considered excellent. The click-through rate was average, and the unsubscribe rate was excellent.

Therefore, we concluded that the campaign was successful, and we should implement an email strategy for the brand as a whole, as the audience engaged with the content.

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Regarding market benchmark rates, the open rate fell within the range considered excellent. The click-through rate was average, and the unsubscribe rate was excellent.

Therefore, we concluded that the campaign was successful, and we should implement an email strategy for the brand as a whole, as the audience engaged with the content.

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social media

We created impactful and relevant content strategically disseminated through social media. One of the main objectives of our approach was to guide the audience to the landing page, creating awareness.

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The reach was ↑173% above the planned target.

Impressions were ↑12% below the forecast.

The budget used was 48% of the total planned, and if fully utilized, it would significantly exceed the planned KPIs.


The video was created with the aim of promoting and communicating the product effectively, conveying greater public awareness and identification with the brand. It was the centerpiece of the content strategy and was adapted to various formats, such as social networks, e-mail marketing, landing pages and online ads, as well as at the EUROBIKE event.

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KPIs Summary

Overall, the campaign for the SL launch successfully digitally communicated the product to the audience and generated interaction with the Landing Page as expected, with significant engagement. We seamlessly combined product discovery and knowledge with business meetings at the Eurobike event. We observed an improvement in social media performance during the analyzed period compared to the previous period (173% higher).

We acknowledge that having paid advertising campaigns on Meta Ads in June influenced the month-to-month comparison, highlighting the growth of the platforms during those periods.

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    • 2024 LOBA
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