
CCI Conference

Branding . European Projects

Organização e Comunicação de Conferência - CCI

 At this final project event, attendees were able to explore and discuss the results of CCI with presentations of the eight Tools developed by LEA project partners. The hybrid event included presentations, discussions and workshops exploring human-centred approaches to innovating security solutions and ways of integrating different strategies across EU contexts.

LOBA was responsible for the overall communication of the event, which entailed: creating the branding and key visual, developing a promotional video, a highllights video and a interviews video, promoting the event (through newsletters, social media, press releases, mass mailings, developing a brochure, producing copy), producing the materials for the event (decoration, badges, delegates pack), organising the layout of the event, organisation of livestream event, livesharing on social media, organising the exhibition area with other EU-funded projects and taking care of the logistics during the event (COVID check, registration desk, exhibition, interviews, among others.

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the event

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    • 2024 LOBA
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      european funds logos
      european funds logos
      european funds logos